by Ann Palmer
(Isle of Lewis, U.K.)
I breathe in energy of life
I breathe out love of the Earth
I breathe in inspiration
I breathe out love of Earth's creatures
I breathe in the winds of change
I breathe out love of Earth's forms
I breathe in the richness of biodiversity
I breathe out respect for all life
I breathe in nature's beauty
I breathe out Earth's sanctity
I breathe in cosmic energies
I breathe out universal love
I breathe in the wholeness
I breathe out wholeness
I breathe in dynamism
I breathe out energy
to begin the spiral
of never-ending reciprocation
between Self and Life
in the great energy-exchange
of Being... in love with the Earth.
I breathe in hope
I breathe out trust
I breathe in Earth's strength
I breathe out her power
I breathe in the essence of Earth
Fragrances to calm and centre the senses.
I breathe out the stillness
of the perfect moment of awareness.
I breathe in Earth's knowledge
I breathe out Earth's knowledge
in symbiosis.
I breathe in movement
I breathe out expressiveness
I breathe in asanas
I breathe out in asanas
I breathe in interconnection
I breathe out in interdependence
I breathe in the gifts of life
I breathe out gratitude
I breathe in the miracle of life
I breathe out consciousness of the miracle
I breathe in wonder
I breathe out awe
I breathe the first breath again
I breathe the last in its joy
I breathe in the magnificence of mountains
I breathe out generosity of vision
I breathe in the twin energy-spirits of love
we call courage and compassion
I breathe out their dance into the future.
And this is Oneness.